Competition Overview

Important Dates:

  • Start Date: 31 August 2024
  • End Date: 16 September 2024

General Rules:

  1. Individual Participation Only: Group entries are not allowed.
  2. Mandatory Registration: Students must register to participate. Submissions must be received before the deadline.
  3. Late Entries: Submissions received after the deadline will not be accepted.
  4. Authenticity Verification: 21Skilladda reserves the right to verify the authenticity of participants and submissions, expecting full cooperation from participants and their guardians.
  5. Publishing Rights: 21Skilladda may publish selected entries on the company's social media platforms.
  6. Disqualification: Any content deemed inappropriate or discriminatory (related to sex, caste, creed, race, etc.) will be disqualified without explanation.

Participants are encouraged to carefully review these terms and conditions before submitting their entries.


  • Group 1 (Class 1 & 2)
  • Group 2 (Class 3 & 4)
  • Group 3 (Class 5 & 6)
  • Group 4 (Class 7 & 8)
  • Group 5 (Class 9 & 10)


Submission Guidelines:

  • Theme: Draw or paint on the Independence Day theme.
  • Participation: Individual entries only.
  • Paper Size: A4 size drawing sheet only.
  • Colors: Any traditional coloring materials can be used; digital art is not allowed.
  • Submission Requirements:
    • Images: Submit 3 images—two of the artwork and one holding the artwork.
    • Video: Submit a 2-3 minute video showing the drawing process. Start the video by introducing yourself with your full name, class, school name, city, and the title of your artwork.
  • Submission Methods:
    • WhatsApp: Include your full name, school name, city, and class in the message.
    • Email: Subject line: "21Skilladda: Drawing/Painting Competition." Include your full name, school name, city, and class.
  • Note: Submissions through any other methods will be disqualified.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Categories: Judged by class groups.
  • Judging Focus: Concept, presentation, and expression.
  • Judges' Decision: The judges' decision is final. We ensure fairness in every judgment because we value and care for your talent.
  • Results: Announced on our social media pages.
  • Social Media: Only selected entries will be posted.

For All Participants:

  • Every participant is celebrated for their creativity and effort. We believe each child is talented, and taking part in this competition is a wonderful way to showcase your skills. We are proud of all our participants!


Awards and Recognition:

  • Rank 1 & 2 (All Groups):

    • Trophy
    • Winner's Certificate
  • All Participants:

    • E-Certificate of Participation
  • Winners (All Groups):

    • Trophy
    • Winner's Certificate
    • Exclusive Gifts (as per competition or company norms)


Submission & Evaluation

  • Participants can make any Independence Day Special Drawing for his/her choice.
  • Only Individual Participation is allowed.
  • Drawing will be created on strictly on A4 size Drawing Sheet.
  • Any form of colours can be used. Digital art not permitted.
  • Participants have to send 3 images of their work; Two of Your Painting and other one of your painting in your hands(Also send 2-3 mins video in which student draw the picture).
  • Video of the participant needs to be recorded not exceeding 3 minutes excluding the introduction.
  • Video should start with participant introducing himself/herself with full name, Class, school name, city and Drawing Name.
  • Send Your entries through Whats App or email. Mention the following points in Whats app Message
  1. Full Name of the Participant
  2. School Name and City
  3. Class
  • Submission Email should bear the subject ‘21Skilladda : Drawing/Painting  Competition’ and
  1. Full Name of the Participant
  2. School Name and City
  3. Class

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